Posts Tagged: fraction


Master handbuilt violin 7/8 fiddle fraction geige powerful full tone

Master violin 7/8 fiddle excellent tone fractional violine powerful tone. Made string instruments and antique instrument copy. This is delicate copy of violin stradivari model 7/8 frational violin. Delicate hand crafted, hand vanish little by little.. Exquisite artwork showing well executed edges and hand inlaid purfling, well carved f hole. Selected solid old wood. Well… Read more »


Excellent handbuilt violin 7/8 fiddle powerful tone fraction violine geige

Excellent violin 7/8 fiddle excellent tone fractional violine powerful tone. Made string instruments and antique instrument copy. This is delicate copy of violin stradivari model 7/8 frational violin. Delicate hand crafted, hand vanish little by little.. Exquisite artwork showing well executed edges and hand inlaid purfling, well carved f hole. Selected solid old wood. Well… Read more »