Posts Tagged: 8-string


Junk Raffaele Carache Mandolin Violin 8-string With/Case

Junk Raffaele Carache Mandolin Violin 8-string With/Case. This product sheet is originally written in English. Please find below an automatic translation into French. Thank you for visiting our site. Since the age of the label is unknown, the year of manufacture is unknown. Visual inspection and palpation revealed no serious cracks in the back seams…. Read more »


Junk Raffaele Carache Mandolin Violin 8-string withCase

Junk Raffaele Carache Mandolin Violin 8-string w/Case. This product data sheet is originally written in English. Thank you for visiting our site. Since the age of the label is unknown, the year of manufacture is unknown. Visual inspection and palpation revealed no serious cracks in the back seams. As for the joint in the head… Read more »